Entries by Andrej Lapajne

Which chart should I use?

In this article we will explain how to choose the right chart for your data. Or more precisely, for your message. There are 3 fundamental rules that you should always follow. If you learn these 3 rules, there is a good chance that you will get it right no matter what the context of your […]

Ways of sharing and publishing your Zebra BI reports

Zebra BI offers you a wide variety of ways to share your awesome visuals, reports, dashboards and presentations with other people. You can create PowerPoint slides, both static pictures and also linked/updatable slides. You can easily publish multiple page PDF documents directly from Zebra BI. You can export static Excel workbooks for Excel users without Zebra […]

Which versions of MS Excel are supported?

Zebra BI supports MS Excel versions 2010, 2013 and 2016. Both 32-bit and 64-bit Office versions are supported. If you have MS Office 365, then you can use Zebra BI under MS Excel 2016, which is included in your Office 365 subscription. For more technical details regarding Excel versions and supported Windows operating systems check System Requirements. […]

Time Series Analysis

Time series analysis is performed when the data categories represent time (years, quarters, months, weeks, days). You should always visualize time series with horizontally oriented charts (naturally ordered left to right). Zebra BI offers the following visualizations of time series data:

Variance Analysis

Variance Analysis is probably the most required and frequently used analysis in business reporting. That’s why Zebra BI offers extensive support for variance analysis by allowing you to easily create the following types of visualizations: